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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tha, the butterfly and Sammy the kitten

Tha was on her way to a playground in her leafy neighbourhood. The day was beautiful after a warm summer rain, so she decided to leave her cruiser bicycle at home and walk instead.

A few blocks down the street, Tha saw Sammy, a one-year-old orange kitten. Sammy would usually brush his furry head against Tha's legs, but this time, Sammy was too busy whacking something on the grass.

It looked as if the kitten was playing with a mouse, and Tha had to call it two or three times before the orange furball could abandon its prey. When it finally came trotting towards her, Tha patted it and Sammy, wagging its tail, appeared to be happy to see Tha as well.

Being most curious about what Sammy left behind on the grass, Tha came closer to take a look. To her amazement, she saw the most beautiful Monarch butterfly laying completely on its side.

Slowly and carefully, Tha picked up the butterfly and placed it in her left palm. Bringing the butterfly closer to her face, she kissed its wings.
As Tha kissed the butterfly's wings, the wings flapped a couple of times.

Tha felt life's wind against her palm.


Tha looked around to find a safe place for the dying butterfly.

Searching, she walked down the street with the butterfly in her open hand, and stopped at a house with very beautiful flower beds. This was a perfect place for the butterfly.

When Tha tried to lift the butterfly, she felt its legs grip her palm as if it did not want to leave. Startled and sad, Tha carefully placed the butterfly amongst the colourful flowers.

The butterfly laid on its side in complete silence.


As Tha played on her favourite playground, she could not stop thinking about the butterfly.

On her way back home, she hesitantly approached the flower bed where she left the monarch butterfly, and to her complete amazement, she saw that it was not there.


The next day on the playground, a Monarch butterfly came flitting around Tha.

Then it was gone.

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